On the occasion of my decennial colonoscopy, the nice lady-doctor who had the assignment/privilege/displeasure of looking up my backside with her little camera reported that I had followed the preparation instructions quite satisfactorily. As such, she was able to inspect all five feet of my large intestine. (Apparently size does matter in this situation since gastroenterologists survey the large intestine but not the small intestine with their glorified plumber’s scopes.)

For the benefit of those who have yet to experience a colonoscopy, relax. During the procedure the patient takes a very pleasant nap while medical personnel tend to their unsavory task. The common bitch by those who have been “scoped” is the purge and the fasting prior to the procedure. I won’t dwell on the details of the preparation since most have already heard horror stories. Actually, for most people it’s only an inconvenience though a healthy inventory of toilet paper is advisable before beginning the purge.

Shortly after my recent procedure, while I was still in a bit of a fog from the anesthesia, the lady doctor came to check on me in a small, curtained recovery area. This missive will spare you the murky details of what she saw (or didn’t see) lurking “up there.” Suffice it to say that I had no major medical problem requiring treatment or dietary restrictions. However, she did strongly suggest that I take a dose of Metamucil each day to get more fiber in my diet. It seems the extra fiber keeps “things” moving along rather than them dawdling in the dark. She indicated that having one’s digestion products lingering unnecessarily is not a good thing.

Being what I consider a health-conscious individual, I had maintained a high-fiber diet for many years. High-fiber cereal, whole wheat, grains, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits, etc. were staples of my diet. But I guess as we add years to our life resumes, our systems slow down and even more fiber may be necessary. Psyllium husks of the plantago ovata plant’s seeds, the major ingredient in Metamucil (and other similar products) can be a significant source of this additional fiber.  

Since Medicare was willing to pay the gastroenterologist, I figured her advice had to have some merit.  So, I bought some Metamucil (sugar free, orange smooth). I started and continue as of this writing with a heaping tablespoon (that’s the bigger ones in the drawer) of the product in a full-glass of cool water once each day. The cool, rather than cold, water allows one to drink the product quickly so it does not gel before you swallow. Of course, others may need to adjust their Metamucil intake quantity and/or frequency for optimum results. And it is advisable to consume the recommended 6-8 glasses of water per day for proper hydration. It doesn’t matter when one drinks the Metamucil just not two hours before or two hours after taking medication. This closed four-hour window prevents the Metamucil from muting any medication’s intended purpose.

 So, what happened?


♦︎ I experienced no strong laxative effect. Using the product daily, I experience a routine “movement” (or an occasional double) each day.
♦︎ The movements are easy with no straining or screaming.
♦︎ Amazingly, there is very little “paper work” with each movement. This constitutes a savings on Charmin and less loading to any septic systems.
♦︎ I was never one to think that “my shit didn’t stink.” But with the daily use of the Metamucil I almost want to make that brag.
♦︎ Flatulence is reduced although this may be an issue for those who revel in their toots.

After numerous months of Metamucil use, I’m a believer. And a better pooper.

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1. Individual results may vary.
2. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
3. This is not a solicitation to sell any product.
4. The writer has received no compensation for his endorsement.